
What We’re All About 


MAT Treatment and contingency contracts

Road Foundation supports science-backed treatment methods that can truly make a difference in substance abuse recovery. Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) and contingency contracts are a powerful duo to do so.

In MAT treatment, there are different prescription drugs available to use. While all can be effective in different situations, we primarily support practices that use forms of buprenorphine, a treatment medication proven to be effective in both initiation and maintenance. We are excited to support a practice that uses micro-dosing, which helps patients slowly displace other opioids in their system without the need of abrupt withdrawal.

Contingency contracts are a behavioral intervention method that help all humans to make and sustain commitments. Although the name sounds complex, the method is simple and effective.  When a person wants to reach a goal, they make a deal with their future selves: “if I climb this mountain I’m going to spend an hour enjoying the view”. Or, “if I don’t use any opioids except those I’m prescribed for six months, then I’m going to get a $500 to use towards tuition or my deposit on my own apartment”. By itself, a contingency contract wouldn’t often do the trick, but coupled with a supportive medical environment, the right medication, and other external supports such as counseling and/or a faith community, these contingency contracts work.



  • While it is possible for many doctors and providers to get certified to prescribe buprenorphine, it is not a wide-spread practice yet

  • One practice we work with is GreenBax Health Solutions, LLC, a new clinic in Chicago that provides buprenorphine treatment

  • GreenBax Health Solutions, LLC has a new choice for initiating buprenorphine: micro-dosing with planned titrations which avoid both precipitated withdrawals and the need to be in partial withdrawal to begin treatment.

  • Road Foundation will use the results of recovered patients as examples to government agencies and private insurances that this method of treatment is worth investing in

Contingency Contracts

  • One of the contingency contract companies Road Foundation will work with is BaxZease.

  • Any money acquired at the end of the contractual period will go towards a social benefit of the person’s choosing- e.g. rent, tuition, child support, etc.

  • If at the end of the contractual period the person does not succeed in reaching their goal, money will go towards assisting other patients in need through the same process.